Great Appliances Can Give You An Edge!
Here are the top three reasons you should put kitchen appliances at the top of your list for home improvement:
1) Updated appliances will close the deal
When it comes to real estate, many people don’t think about their home strictly as a product they are trying to sell. Emotions often blind a seller because they have so many memories that are attached to the property. However, it is important to remember that, regardless of whether it is a hot market or a stagnant market, you are in competition with every other house in your price category. Your goal is to come out on top as the best option with the fewest needs for improvement.
In a hot market, inventory is low. This means that buyers are often in what could be described as bidding wars, where a house will have multiple offers. By having the newest appliances, your home will have the most competitive edge as far as commanding the highest price.
In a more stagnant market, inventory is abundant. This means that home choices are more abundant and buyers can use discretion with the choices. New appliances can certainly give your home the cutting edge that will steer buyers in your direction.
2) Updated appliances can enhance your social life
Let’s face it: life moves way too quickly. For many Americans, the daily litany goes as follows: they wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and then go to bed. Wash, rinse, repeat. Why not add some excitement to your life by hosting a neighborhood cocktail party and a potluck dinner?
Most of the latest kitchen appliances are made to handle a food demand that is more suitable for entertaining: quicker cook times, better heat distribution, higher capacity washers, more voluminous refrigerators: and that’s not even mentioning the high end appliances. Be the talk of your neighborhood by hosting weekend dinner parties and showing off your entertaining savvy with your new appliances.
3) Updated appliances can enhance your diet
Motivation is everything in life. It can make or break your intentions for healthy living. No matter how much you want to go on that five mile run or you want to try that new recipe from that healthy eating cookbook, there has to be a catalyst. For many, the desire to eat healthy is limited by time and, you guessed it, motivation. It’s the first step that is the hardest, so when something is pushing you to make that first step, the obstacles seem like minor speed bumps. And what better motivation to cook more than to have brand new appliances?
It is fairly common knowledge that eating out is not as healthy as a home-cooked meal, but it takes energy to prepare and cook delicious meals at home. A brand new gas stovetop or a brand new convection oven could very well be that spark to jump-start your fledgling gourmet talents. New appliances will give you a reason to spend more time in the kitchen and be adventurous with new recipes. After all, the newest toys get the most attention.
There are some areas of the home that can be overlooked as far as improvements are concerned, but regarding quality of life and monetary value, the kitchen is one of the first to which attention should go.
By Andrew Thomas
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